Tuesday, January 19, 2010

D-U-H..... C-H-A-N-G-E

I always thought that I was a head strong person...with strong convictions....well always until some time now.....now its reached a point where I'm questioning every thing I am and everything I think I am.

It's really funny.... the concept of letting go and becoming...letting go of the person you are....... or rather I should be saying - letting go of SOME of those bits which make us who we are, define us in whatever small / big way....and develop some new bits which would define the future us!

It's change - a change in our perspective / attitude / behavior / appearance / conscience / options / priorities  - whether for the good or for the bad [although I think that any type of change does us good only in the end!].....a change very minuscule or a huge, major one; a change CHANGES OUR LIVES FOREVER...

A new decision brings about a change. Taking decisions is neither fun nor easy, its just simply an important part of our lives and cannot be excluded / forgotten / procrastinated for long.Well I'm not even saying that it's a pleasant thing to do... taking these decisions.....but I also believe that there comes a time in our lives when that question which has been troubling us gets answered on its own..... Your instincts guide you towards what is actually right..... and everything just seems right all on its own!

It's not that I don't like being here....It's a wonderful place to be in..... to become open to question who we really are..... but it's  just that I feel utterly and completely lost without my own set of unquestioned convictions!


Is life a doodle?

I'v been sitting and  thinking a lot about life; its meaning; the great journey that is!

I dunno how god could add SO many tiny details in all our lives.....I would like to believe that god sat down and painstakingly planned out my life in great detail; I do believe so to at most times...

hmmmm..... so this one is just a randomly random thought which crossed my mind....... but it feels SO true! So;


I mean seriously....... life is such a mix of ups and downs; joys and sorrows......
It's SO unpredictable... It seems to going on one path at one moment only to change course and follow a completely different opposite one the next moment..... just like a doodle!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Making the most of life!

I was thinking about life.... decided to look up what others had to say about life...came across this article on the net talking about how to make the most of out lives and all that stuff.... I read it, felt it, felt about it..... but this is what actually stayed behind with me; what touched me the most. Simple thought, yet so true!

"In order for your life to expand, your mind needs to expand. Just like with physical exercise, when you exhort force on your muscles, they grow. It's the same with your mind; when you think or try new things, your mind expands. And an expanded mind is an enriched mind. You become enriched, and so does your life."
 ~ Anders Moller ~