Sunday, January 30, 2011

~disguised blessings~

I have a gazzilion things going through my mind right now; so this one is going to be super duper mixed up!

I got multiple muscle ruptures in my left arm [I'm a lefty] 3 weeks ago....... the initial first week went by without much pain or suffering...... infact I took it happily as a surprise break from my daily schedule and decided to take a few days off work and just chill! Its the second week when things got a bit tricky and all the irritation, pains and inability to function normally actually started to bug me.... I mean what is one supposed to do in today's world if we can't even function properly? Most of us do not realize the efforts simple day-to-day activities take if you cannot use one of your arms. [try not using your working arm while brushing; bathing, dressing, eating for more than a week and then attempt to question me; otherwise don't even bother!]

Anyways; I got down to thinking once I was over my irritation and got accustomed to the pain..... about the simple things in life which I had taken for granted till now, my set of  god gifted skills that I'd been taking for granted [I'm talking about my doodling here], the annoying amount of time I sometimes spend  in front of the computer doing nothing[try doing it as a compulsion and you will know what I mean here], our friends and families[who stand by us in good as well as bad times], the value of free time[a 'lil free time never killed me; but only free time definitely did!], the value of my job to me[I still don't love it; but at least I don't hate it anymore] , my value to my employer(wink; wink)[yeah; I felt a bit unappreciated at work until now!], my body which functions normally(thank god for that!)[try to understand what I am trying to say here coz I can't put down in any other manner without sounding insensitive here] and other such stuff.......

All that I'm trying to say here is that there are A LOT of things in our lives which we take for granted without probably even realizing that we are...... All I'm saying is that there may be a lot of things which deserve our appreciation which we DO NOT appreciate....... I guess that all I'm trying to say here is that I am going to take this entire muscle rupture episode as a disguised blessing as it gave me surprise break, made me more grateful as a person and gave me time to reflect, get a vision for life, catch up on books/ movie/ music/ friends/ my two dogs!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

a SIMPLE question

It all started with a harmless question at work- "what's your new year's resolution?" asked the boss....I was a bit taken aback considering I had not made / thought of new year's resolutions from the longest time! so I just said the first thing tht popped into my brains; I said that I'l work on my temper.... which was kinda true..... only I'v been  working on it for years now! [will come to that later some day; not now!] "D

So back coming to what happened later......for some reason [and thank god for that!] this question stuck to me and I started pondering over what I actually wanted to change in my life...and in turn started to ponder over my life in general and what I wanted from it....

Guess what!?!?!?! I thought and thought and THOUGHT. and thought. T.H.O.U.G.H.T......but I could not really come up with anything concrete. I had a LOT of small snippets of what I wanted to do at some point of time in life..... but I had no idea whatsoever as to how or what I wanted that "life" to be!

Looking back; I realize that my life had always been about achieving a lot of random short term goals put together. Its not that I did not have goals; I just had goals whose relevance I cannot be sure of now! My short term goals were not directed towards a larger goal; towards what I ultimately wanted out of my life. No wonder I felt so lost at all those times. No wonder a lot of things never really sense to me. No wonder that sense of achievement felt wrong at times; and no wonder those set backs were forgotten so easily!

Well; it may be a bit late to start now; but thank god; LATE IS BETTER THAN NEVER! "D

I'm taking some time off; I'm going sit and think. I'm going to work towards building a vision for my life!