Saturday, December 5, 2009


hmmmm...... I do not do this type of stuff generally.....write on such topics or anything.... but its just that I'v been feeling so strongly about this from the past few days......[and I have been up doing stuff these days that I generally do not do so I guess that it kinda explains a lot....]  

so yup... soul sisters... the thing [?] that started making shitloads of sense to me of late..... I mean that term has always been there.... it just got a whole new meaning for me now.... "D  

so this one is dedicated to all of you! 

it's funny how I'm feeling extremely stupid about the lamest of things but you ; yes YOU are in exactly the same spot ..... nd well voila!.... I dnt feel stupid about it any longer! <3

I'm down in the dumps..... dont want to admit it but I need to get it out of the tricky part here is that I DO NOT exactly know what I need to chuck out of my I just start talking..... and before i know it; I'm out with it..... :) [and it feels like I was never in the dump in the first place!] 

I have an embarrassing confession to make....well so do you..... only we are embarrassed abt the same stuff! :D  

my current dilemma [ like the most random thing on earth!] - that thing which really does not matter at the end of day but what the heck, it matters to me RIGHT now...... well that is what happens to be on your mind AS WELL! [so maybe it does really matter? ;p ] 

we do the same DUMB stuff! [ so what; I'm gonna learn from YOUR mistakes now! :D] you know exactly when to be the bitch and exactly when to be the saint!

life sucks BIG TIME for exactly the same [LAME] reasons! :P

no need for that stinky superior / inferior complex becoz ur ALWAYS there to pull me down / up to earth!

whenever I loose hope in me; I loose hope in you to! :/

I love talking random. U love talking random. I like talking sense. so do you. so does everyone else...... but why is it that you and I love talking sense / random when the WHOLE FREAKIN' WORLD decides to talk otherwise?

I can be the REAL BITCH I AM in front of you...... no fear! u'r a bitch too! [if not a bigger one!] ;p 

I am the REAL ME in front of you.... coz I know my shortcomings do not matter to you..... [and if I ever ''TRIED" acting otherwise; you would just see through it!] "D

I love you, my soul sis! I love for all of this and more that is yet to come..... [ or which I'm still to add to this!] 



<3 <3 <3