Saturday, October 31, 2009

when boredom, restlessness and confusion stike together!

.....its weird.... So weird.. to be confused and bored and restless at the same time! this feeling...... its hard to explain.......mean how does god expect expect you to deal with SO much happening within your small , tiny head? I mean seriously! As if we already don't have enough to deal with in our lives; the little free time which you get where you might want to sit and chill also becomes SO stressing. Call it anxiety. Call it me being me. Whatever. Well its definitely not me - how can it be me when the last thing I want to do in my life is to stupidly get worked up over nothing at all.....stuff which will not mean a thing to me 10 yrs down the line...

So yup! I'm so goddamn confused that I don't even know what matters to me in my life and what does not! I know I should sit down and think about this stuff.... sit down in retrospective... eeeeks...... If not sitting down to think clearly and this is the havoc in my tiny TINY mind, I shudder to think what will happen when I DO sit down to think after all!